Cosmetic Creative Photography perfumes on blocks

A creative product packshot for a magazine and other marketing platforms. I was approached to provide some creative product photography using the latest "must buy" cosmetics. The main reason for the photography was to create advertising images for use in their latest christmas magazine. A few images would also be used across Instagram and other web marketing platforms. Something i have noticed over the last few years is an large increase in business using professional photography to create product photography to be used online in this way. A simple but eye catching image on social media can reach thousands of potential clients in a matter of seconds and can be allot cheaper than a large campaign.

Creative advertising product photography by still life photographer chris howlett. Overhead view of a collection of perfume bottles on square acrylic blocks.

The first shot is simple but eye catching example of creative product photography. The brief requested the perfume bottles to be photographed on a simple clean block background highlighting the colourful nature of the perfume bottles. 

Tabletop view of perfume bottles and cosmetic gift sets on square plinths. Creative advertising product photography by still life photographer chris howlett. 

The second shot, a creative product photograph of their most popular cosmetics products. The brief was to create a clean block design with the products placed on plinths that could be adapted depending on stock availability. If the cosmetic products sell out then new product images could be replaced with a different gift set.

Advertising photography of mens cosmetics collection by London still life photographer chris howlett

The third image in this series was a collection of mens cosmetics, Not the easiest to photograph as some of the products weren't the easiest and nicest to style but overall the photography worked well as a set.

If you are business that would benefit from 1 or a set of images to be used for print or online such as Instagram or other social media platforms get in contact for a quote.


Furniture Photography interiors and roomsets


Advertising Drinks Product Photography